- Step 1 - Register on Xero's website to become a Partner and access all their special Partner tools for free!
- Step 2 - Register for the Xero Advisor Certification course with yours truly. The link will auto-trigger into your Xero learning portal and register you for the course, plus you'll receive a confirmation e-mail.
Live Xero Certification
Excited to be teaching a live Xero Advisor Certification course on October 23 at the beautiful Hamilton Hotel in Washington, DC. Time is 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and registration is free!
If you’ve been curious about the Xero platform, or have tested the waters and want to get more, come on out – would love to meet you, and also help kick-off your Xero experience!
MSATP: Security & Your Practice
Happy to announce I’ll be appearing as the practitioner on a “Security & Your Practice” panel at the MSATP Solo/Small Firm Conference November 2 - 4 in Bethany Beach, DE.
The panel will be held twice during the weekend, and will seek to address emerging issues from the changing technology landscape and legislative pronouncements, including topics like: security insurance, portals, mobile device security, home offices, the new cyber legislative credit, and more.
You can visit the event page to learn more about the conference and potentially register, and also feel free to check out membership in the Maryland Society of Accounting and Tax Professionals.
Karbon Academy 102
I’m pleased to be re-joining the Faculty of Karbon Academy for their “102 course” semester starting late this August.
Karbon Academy is an educational offering of the practice management/ workflow software Karbon. It seeks close the accounting education gap and empower our profession to face the challenges in today’s industry while looking boldly to the future. According to their home page:
"Karbon Academy provides online professional courses in management, growth, technology and strategy. Focused on practical applications and group discussions, it is taught by leading practitioners and business mentors.The particular sessions I'll be guest lecturing in are being finalized, but tentatively I'll be assisting in "Strategy 102: How to of Value Pricing", "Strategy 102: Innovation: Practice & Services", and "Growth 102: The Selling Process". Last year I really enjoyed helping teach process design in the EFF-101 course. (My full faculty profile and course listing.)
You can find a full listing of courses on their website, sign up for any of the new 102 level courses for $900, and access the 101 courses self-paced at $200.
Also, there’s also many great resources on the Karbon website, not to mention their Magazine. And don’t forget to check out their practice management/workflow software if you want to see if their approach to practice management and workflow is a good fit for your firm.
The Role of the Entrepreneur
You’ve seen those car commercials: the sleek, sporty car expertly threading through rural roads as it speeds its way towards bliss. And along the bottom of your screen in small print: “Do not attempt – Professional driver on a closed course.”
Man, what a let down. 😉
I’m here to tell you that value pricing is like that – if you’re not an entrepreneur, do not attempt. Value pricing is not in the professional mainstream yet (though one day will be), and you could wait for the rest of the herd to move before re-examining your business model (though realize that strategy comes with its own risk too).
But if you’ve decided to become a ‘professional driver on a closed course’ (a.k.a. an “entrepreneur”), I’d like to provide a little lay of the economic landscape to help inspire you on your journey.